Alternative Equity Focused

Funds in the Alternative Equity Focused category employ alternative strategies such as short selling or other forms of leverage. Alternative Mutual Funds that meet the requirements of NI 81-102, and traditional hedge funds offered by offering memorandum are categorized using the same guidelines. The underlying securities should be primarily equities such that at least 50% of the portfolio is invested in equities. Funds in this category may use speculative and/or hedging strategies. Funds that do not issue a simplified prospectus will not be ranked with the Alternative Mutual Funds in this category.

Accelerate Absolute Return Fund (HDGE)
Accelerate Arbitrage Fund (ARB)
Accelerate Canadian Long Short Equity Fund (ATSX)
Accelerate Enhanced Canadian Benchmark Alternative Fund (ATSX)
Access Growth Fund Series A
AGFiQ US Long/Short Dividend Income CAD-Hedged ETF (QUDV)
AGFiQ US Long/Short Dividend Income CAD-Hedged Fund - Mutual Fund Series
Alphabet (GOOGL) Yield Shares Purpose ETF (YGOG)
AlphaNorth Partners Fund Inc Cl A
Altervest Asymmetry Investment Strategy
Altervest High Octane Fund
Altervest Premium Harvesting Fund
AM Alternative Strategies Fund
Amazon (AMZN) Yield Shares Purpose ETF (YAMZ)
AMD (AMD) Yield Sh Purp ETF (YAMD)
AMD (AMD) Yield Shares Purpose ETF - ETF Shares (YAMD)
Anson North Star Trust Class F
Apple (AAPL) Yield Shares Purpose ETF (APLY)
Arrow EC Equity Advantage Alternative Fund Ser A
Arrow Long/Short Alternative Fund Series A
Arrow Opportunities Alternative Fund Series A
Aventine Canadian Equity Fund Class A
Barometer Global Macro Pool Class A
Berkshire hathaway (BRK) Yid Sh Purpose ETF (BRKY)
BMO Long Short Canadian Equity ETF (ZLSC)
BMO Long Short US Equity ETF (ZLSU)
Brompton Flaherty&CrumrineEnhInvGrPfd ETF (BEPR)
BSD Global Tech Hedge Fund L.P.
BT Global Growth Fund LP Class B
Caldwell ICM Market Strategy Trust
Caldwell North American Equity Strategy
Canoe Energy Alpha Fund LP Class A
CC&L Alternative Canadian Equity Fund
CC&L Alternative Global Equity Fund
CC&L Global Long Short Fund Series A
CC&L Q US Equity Extension Fund
Celernus Absolute Growth Fund
CI Alternative North American Opportunities Fund A
CI Munro Alternative Global Growth ETF - Common Units
CI Munro Alternative Global Growth Fund Series A
Counsel Enhanced Global Equity
Counsel Enhanced Global Equity Series O
Counsel Global Enhanced Equity Series S
Desjardins Alt Long/Short Global Equity Markets ETF (DAMG)
DKAM Capital Ideas Fund LP Class A
DKAM Capital Ideas Trust Class 1 Series A
Dynamic Alpha Performance Fund Series A
Dynamic Alpha Performance II Fund Series A
Dynamic Global Growth Opportunities Fund Ser AU$
Dynamic Global Growth Opportunities Fund Ser FU$
Dynamic Global Growth Opportunities Fund Series A
Dynamic Global Growth Opportunities Fund Series C
Dynamic Premium Yield PLUS Fund Series A
Dynamic Real Estate & Infrastructure Incom II Fd A
Dynamic Real Estate & Infrastructure Income Fund A
EHP Alpha Strategies Alternative Fund Class A
EHP Alpha Strategies Alternative Fund Class UO
EHP Foundation Alternative Fund Class A
EHP Select Alternative Fund Class A
EHP Select Alternative Fund Class UO
EHP Select Alternative Fund Class US
Evolve Canadian Utl Enh Yld Ind Fd Unh Cl A
Evolve Cdn Banks and Lifecos Enh Yield Idx (BANK)
Evolve Cdn Banks and Lifecos Enh Yld Idx Fd Cl A
Evolve Enhanced FANGMA Index ETF - CAD Hedged Units (TECE)
Ewing Morris Small Cap Fund LP Class F
Ewing Morris Small Cap Trust Fund Class G
Exxon Mobil (XOM) Yield Shares (XOMY)
FAX Capital Belco Flagship Trust Series F
Fidelity Canadian Long/Short Alt Fd ETF (FCLS)
Fidelity Canadian Long/Short Alternative Fd B
Fidelity Global Value Long/Short Fund Ser B
Fidelity Global Value Long/Short Multi-Asset Base Fund
Fidelity Long/Short Alternative Fund Series B
Fidelity Long/Short Alternative Multi-Asset Base Fund
Fieldhouse Strategic Income Fund Series D
Forge First Long Short Alternative Series A
Formula Growth Focus Fund Class A C$ Hedged 050
Formula Growth Gbl Opportunities Fd F -999 Main
Formula Growth Hedge Fund Class A (C$) - 151 Main
Galibier Opportunities Fund
GB Wealth Alternative All-Weather Growth Fund F
GFI Good Opportunities Fund Class A
Global X Enh EqualWeightCdBksCoveredCall ETF(BKCL)
Global X Enhanced All-Equity AA CC ETF (EQCL)
Global X Enhanced All-Equity AA ETF (HEQL)
Global X Enhanced Cdn Oil And Gas Eq CC ETF (ENCL)
Global X Enhanced Equal Weight Banks Idx ETF(BNKL)
Global X Enhanced MSCI EAFE Cov Call ETF (EACL)
Global X Enhanced MSCI EAFE Covered Call ETF (EACL)
Global X Enhanced MSCI EAFE Index ETF (EAFL)
Global X Enhanced MSCI Emerging Markets Covered Call ETF (EMCL)
Global X Enhanced MSCI Emerging Markets Index ETF (EMML)
Global X Enhanced MSCI Emg Mkt Cov Call ETF (EMCL)
Global X Enhanced MSCI Emg Mkt Ind ETF (EMML)
Global X Enhanced NASDAQ-100 CC ETF (QQCL)
Global X Enhanced Nasdaq-100 Index ETF (QQQL)
Global X Enhanced S&P 500 Index ETF (USSL)
Global X Enhanced S&P 500CovCall ETF (USCL) - Cl A
Global X Enhanced S&P/TSX 60 Cov Call ETF (CNCL)
Global X Enhanced S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF (CANL)
Global X Seasonal Rotation ETF (HAC)
Global X Uranium Index ETF (HURA)
HAMILTON CHAMPIONS™ Enhanced Canadian Dividend ETF (CWIN)
Hamilton Enh Multi-Sector Covered Call ETF (HDIV)
Hamilton Enhanced Canadian Bank ETF (HCAL)
Hamilton Enhanced Canadian Financials ETF (HFIN)
Hamilton Enhanced U.S. Cov Call ETF U$ (HYLD.U)
Hamilton Enhanced U.S. Covered Call ETF (HYLD)
Hamilton Enhanced Utilities ETF (HUTS)
Harvest Amazon Enh High Inc Sh ETF A (AMHE)
Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF Cl A (HDIF)
Harvest Eli Lilly Enh High Inc Sh ETF A (LLHE)
Harvest Equal Weight Global Utl Enh Inc ETF (HUTE)
Harvest Healthcare Leaders Enhanced Inc ETF (HHLE)
Harvest Microsoft Enh High Inc Sh ETF A (MSHE)
Harvest NVIDIA Enh High Inc Sh ETF A (NVHE)
Harvest Tech Achievers Enhanced Income ETF (HTAE)
Highstreet Global Equity Fund
Hoovest Core
Jemekk Hedge Fund Series F
Jemekk Long/Short Fund L.P. Class A
Jemekk Total Return Fund L.P. Class B
JFT Strategies Fund Class A (JFS.UN)
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Yield Shares (JNJY)
JPMorgan Chase (JPM) Yield Shares (JPMY)
JPMorgan Funds – Europe Equity Plus Fund
JPMorgan Nasdaq Equity Premium Income Active ETF (JEPQ)
King & Victoria RSP Fund Class A Units
Lawrence Park Enhanced Preferred Fund Series BD - September 2020
Lightwater Long/Short Fund Class A
Lightwater Nimble Fund Class A
LionGuard Opportunities Fund Class F
LSQ SPAC Fund Class F
LSQ SPAC Fund Class X U$
Lynwood Opportunities Fund Class A
Lysander-Canso All Country Long/Short Equity A
Lysander-Triasima All Country Long/Short Equity Fund Series A
Mackenzie Global Dividend Enhanced Yield Plus Fd A
Mackenzie Private Equity Replication A
Mackenzie Private Equity Replication Fund A
MacNicol Safe Harbour Fund
Manulife Nordea Stable Return
Maxam Arbitrage Fund Class A
Meckelborg MFG Diversified Strategy Fund Cl M
META (META) Yield Sh Purp ETF (YMET)
META (META) Yield Shares Purpose ETF - ETF Shares (YMET)
MFS Blended Research Global Equity Extension
Microsoft (MSFT) Yield Shares (MSFY)
Microsoft (MSFT) Yield Shares Purpose ETF (MSFY)
Mulvihill Canadian Bank Enhanced Yield ETF (CBNK)
Mulvihill Canadian Enhanced Yield Fund
Mulvihill Enhanced Split Preferred Share ETF (SPFD)
Mulvihill U.S. Health Care Enhanced Yield Fund
NCP Sustainable Dividend Achievers+
NEI Long Short Equity Fund Series A
NewGen Equity Long-Short Fund LP Class B
NewGen Equity Long-Short Fund RRSP Class B
NewGen Focused Alpha Fund Class C Founders
Next Edge Biotech and Life Sciences Opp Fd Cl A1
Next Edge Strategic Metals and Commodities Fd Cl A
Next Edge Strategic Metals and Commodities Fund Class A
Ninepoint Energy Income Fund Series A
NVIDIA (NVDA) Yield Shares Purpose ETF
Oak Hill Nexpoint Global Merger Arb Fd FH
Onex Global Special Situations Alternative Fund F
Palos Income Fund L.P. Series X
Palos-Mitchell Alpha Fund Series O
Pender Alternative Arbitrage Fund
Pender Alternative Arbitrage Fund Class A
Pender Alternative Arbitrage Plus Fund Cl A
Pender Alternative Multi-Strategy Income Fund Cl A
Pender Alternative Special Situations Fund Class A
Pender Partners Fund F2
Peregrine Investment Management Fund LP
PH&N Long/Short Canadian Equity Fund F
Picton Mahoney Concentrated Opportunistic Long Short Fund Class A
Picton Mahoney Fortified Activ Extension Alt Fd A
Picton Mahoney Fortified Arbitrage Plus Alter Fd A
Picton Mahoney Fortified L/S Alternative Fund Cl A
Picton Mahoney Long Short Equity Fund Class A
PM Concentrated Opportunistic L/S Fund
Polar Long/Short Fund (Canada) Class A
Polar Micro-Cap Fund Class A
Polar Micro-Cap Fund II L.P. Class A
Portland 15 of 15 Alternative Fund Series A
Portland Focused Plus Fund LP Series A
Portland Focused Plus Fund Series A
Portland Life Sciences Alternative Fund Series A
Portland Replacement of Fossil Fuels Alt Fd A
Portland Replacement of Fossil Fuels Alternative Fund
Purpose International Tactical Hedged Equity Fd A
Purpose Select Equity Fund Class F
Purpose Structured Equity Yield Plus Fund A
Purpose Tactical Hedged Equity Fund ETF (PHE)
Purpose Tactical Hedged Equity Fund ETF NCH(PHE.B)
Purpose Tactical Hedged Equity Fund Series A
Q Premium Fund: Class A
RBC Long/Short NA Equity Fund - F - 2021
Rivemont Long Short Fund Series A
ROMC Fund - Salary Series
SIA ML Global Tactical Pool Class F (USD)
SIA ML Global Tactical Pool Class I (USD)
SmartBe Global Value Momentum Trend Index ETF (SBEA)
SMI Defensive LP Class S (FE)
Structured Payoff Strategies Pooled Fund
TCI Premia Real Assets Private Pool Series M
Tera Capital Global Innovation
Tera High Income Fund
TESLA (TSLA) Yield Shares Purpose ETF (YTSL)
The Groundlayer Capital Alpha Fund LP Class A
The K2 Principal Trust Class A-1
Tralucent Global ALT (Long/Short) Equity Fund Cl A
Triumph Capital Appreciation Fund LP Class AA
TruX Exogenous Risk Pool Series F
UnitedHealth Group (UNH) Yield Shares (JNHY)
Vantage Protected Performance Fund F
Venator Founders Alternative Fund Series A1
Venator Founders Fund LP Class A
Venator Select Fund Class A
Veritas Absolute Return Fund Series F
Vision Opportunity Fund LP Class Z
Vision Opportunity Fund Trust Class A
Vision Strategic Opportunity Fund LP
Vision Strategic Opportunity Non-Resident Fd Cl A
Waratah Alternative Equity Income Fund Class F
Waratah Core Fund Class F Units
Waratah Income Trust Class F
Waratah Performance Trust Class F
Waypoint Alternative Yield Fund Series A
Wealhouse Lions Bay Fund Class F