Request a RI Review
The CIFSC will review any requests to have funds added or removed from the RI list on a monthly basis. As part of the review, the committee will ask for reasoning and evidence supporting the request. This can include any changes made to the Responsible Investment Approach(es) as detailed in publicly available regulatory documents or marketing materials and/or changes to the portfolio.
To be identified under the CIFSC Responsible Investment framework, a fund must have an investment mandate stated in the prospectus investment objectives relating to a responsible approach, and/or a separate document compliant with CFA Institute’s Global ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products or other widely accepted disclosure standards. For non-prospectus funds, the CIFSC will consider other regulatory offering documents such as an offering memorandum. Additional information will be considered provided it is not contradictory to the publicly available information in regulatory or disclosure documents. In addition, the fund’s stated responsible investing approach must meet the criteria for at least one of the RI approaches listed below.
Our next meeting is February 26th, 2025. The cut-off date for requesting a RI Review is February 20th, 2025. In order to properly review each request, any requests received after this date may not be reviewed until the following meeting.