Funds in the Canadian Long Term Fixed Income category must invest at least 90% of their fixed income holdings in fixed-income securities denominated in Canadian dollars with an average duration greater than 9.0 years. In addition, these funds must invest primarily in investment-grade fixed-income securities, such that the average credit quality of the portfolio as a whole is investment grade (BBB or equivalent rating or higher) and not more than 40% of the portfolio’s holdings are invested in high yield fixed income securities. For purposes of the category definition, up to 30% of a Fund’s assets may be held in Foreign Fixed Income products which will be treated as Canadian content provided that the currency exposure on those holdings is hedged to Canadian Dollars.
Addenda Bonds L/T Provincial Index PooledAddenda Corporate Long Bond Pooled
Beutel Goodman Long Term Bond Fund Class D
BlackRock Canada CorePlus Long Bond
BlackRock Canada ex-BBB Long Bd Index Fd
BlackRock Canada Long Government Bond Index
BlackRock CDN Long Bond Index Cl A
BlackRock Cnd 10-20 Yr Provincial Rt Fd
BMO Long Corporate Bond Index ETF (ZLC)
BMO Long Federal Bond Index ETF (ZFL)
BMO Long Provincial Bond Index ETF (ZPL)
Burgundy Long Bond
CAN Lg Tm Bd 75/75
Canada 20 plus Strips Bond Index Fund
CI Canadian Long-Term Bond Pool Class I
CI Long Bond Fund Class A
CIBC Canadian Bond 15 Year Duration Pool
CIBC Canadian Bond 30 Year Duration Pool
CIBC Canadian Bond Long Term Index Pool
DGIA Canadian Long Term Fixed Income
Fidelity Canadian Government Long Bond Index Institutional Trust
Fidelity Cdn Govt LgBondIdx Multi-Asset Base OC$
Fiera Sceptre Active Fixed Income – Long
Greystone Fifteen Year Target Duration Fund
Greystone Twenty Plus Year Target Duration Fund
GWL Lg Tm Bd 75/75
iA FORLIFE Guaranteed Maximum Income (iA) SRPOther
Invesco Long Term Government Bond Index ETF (PGL)
iShares Core Canadian Long Term Bond Idx ETF (XLB)
iShares Core Cdn 15+ Year Fed Bd Index ETF (XFLB)
Jarislowsky, Fraser Long Term Bond
Leith Wheeler Long Term Bond Pooled A
Leith Wheeler Total Return Long Bond A
LON Lg Tm Bd 75/75
Mackenzie Canadian Government Lg Bd Ind ETF (QLB)
Manulife AM Cdn Ultra Long Dur Fix Inc
MDPIM Bond Pool
MDPIM Cdn Long Term Bond Pool
MFS Canadian Long Plus Fixed Income
PH&N Canadian Custom Long Term Fixed Income Fund O
PH&N Enhanced Long Bond Pension Trust O
PH&N Long Bond Pension Trust Series O
PH&N PRisM - Long Series O
PH&N PRisM Long
PH&N PRisM Long Corporate Bond Trust Series O
PH&N PRisM Mid
Phillips Hager & North Long Corp Pl Bd
PIMCO Canada Canadian CorePLUS Long Bond Trust
Quadrus Long Term Bond Fund (Portico) Series R
SEI Long Duration Bond Fund Class O
SLI Long-Term Liability Government Bond Pooled
SSGA Canadian Long Term Government Bond Index Fund
SSGA Enhanced Canadian Long Term Bond Fund
TD Canadian Long Term Federal Bond ETF (TCLB)
TD Canadian Long Term Federal Bond Fd - D Series
TD Canadian Long Term Federal Bond Fund - D Series
TD Emerald 20+ Strip Bond Portfolio
TD Emerald Active Cndn Lg Bd Pld Tr
TD Emerald Canadian Lg Corp Bd Pld Tr
TD Emerald Canadian Long Bond Broad Market Portfolio
TD Emerald Canadian Long Government Bond Portfolio
TD Emerald Cndn Lg Cor Pls Bd Pld Tr
Vanguard Canadian Long-Term Bond Index ETF (VLB)