CIFSC Responsible Investment Identification Feedback Period & Other Changes

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee has identified an inaugural set of investment funds from Canadian-domiciled fund manufacturers that use one or more of the investment approaches outlined in the CIFSC RI Identification framework.

Today, the Committee encourages fund providers to review their own respective funds on this list and provide feedback directly to the CIFSC Chair ( and Co-Chair ( via e-mail for a period of four weeks ending December 12, 2022 . CIFSC welcomes feedback on missing funds, and funds that should not have been identified. However, CIFSC will not be accepting feedback from one provider on other fund providers’ funds, or on the framework itself. After this initial feedback period, fund providers are encouraged to use the monthly re-classification request mechanism to request a review of RI Flags.

The CIFSC targets implementation of a finalized set of funds under this framework in the month of January 2023, at which point a formalized list will be viewable at

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